MongoBooster 2.3 is out

Today, we're thrilled to announce the release of MongoBooster 2.3. This release includes significantly improved console.log/print tab, JSON view format options, bug fixes and a few minor improvements.

Improved console.log/print tab

The brand-new, improved console.log/print Tab collects all output messages in only one tab, instead of showing them in separated tabs. You can find and view these messages much easier than before. The elapsed time shows when the message occurs during the whole script execution.

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Announcing MongoBooster 2.2

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 2.2. This release includes Real-Time log viewer, tree/table view sorting options, shell tab title format options, bug fixes and a few minor improvements.

Real-Time log viewer

Instead of showing a simple loading spinner, this release add a new log viewer to show the real-time console log/ print info. When the shell script execution time exceeds 2 seconds, the log window will be popped up and monitor script logs at real-time.

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Release MongoBooster 2.1.2

It's time to update MongoBooster again :) This is a smaller update in terms of raw added features – but this release includes better Quick Find, bug Fixes and a few minor improvements.

Quick Find

Quick Find to symbol with (⌘+F|CTRL+F) provides the possibility to get to any database and collection object in the connection tree view. In this release, there are a few minor improvements for Quick Find with connection tree.

  • add a close "x" button in the right corner of the Quick-find input box.

  • Press "Mod+F" will focus to input-box rather than closing it.

  • Press "ESC" will close Quick-find input box and focus to connection instead of focusing script editor.

    Quick Find

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Announcing MongoBooster 2.1

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 2.1. This release includes Quick Find for the connection tree, ShellJS integration, support mongo Shell Native Methods, auto load .mongorc.js, export user-defined fields and a few minor improvements and bugs fix.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Mac OS X all these new features are available for Windows,and Linux as well.

Quick Find

Quick find to symbol with (⌘+F|CTRL+F) provides the possibility to get to any database and collection object in the connection tree view.

Quick find

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Announcing MongoBooster 2.0

Today, we're thrilled to announce the release of MongoBooster 2.0. This major release includes fluent query builder, GUI for mongotop and mongostat, dark theme, user-defined snippets, restore last working state , auto-update and a few minor improvements. Even better now, MongoBooster, the smartest and most feature rich MongoDB Admin GUI is** free for non-commercial** use.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Windows, all these new features are available for Mac OS X and Linux as well.

Fluent Query Builder

MongoBooster supports mongoose-like fluent query builder API which enables you to build up a query using chaining syntax, rather than specifying a JSON object. The aggregation framework is now fluent as well. You can use it as currently documented or via the chainable methods.

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// instead of writing:
db.user.find({age:{$gte:18,$lte:65}},{name,1,age:1,_id:-1}).sort({age:-1, name:1});
// we can write:
db.user.where('age').gte(18).lte(65).select('name age -_id').sort("-age name");
// passing query conditions is permitted too
db.collection.find().where({ name: 'mongobooster' })
// chaining
.where({ 'name': /^mongobooster/i })
// aggregation
db.companies.aggregate(qb.where('founded_year').gte(2000).lte(2010)) //qb:querybuilder

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Announcing MongoBooster 1.6

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 1.6. This release includes favorite scripts management and a minor updates.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Windows, all these new features are available for Mac OS X and Linux as well.

Favorite Scripts Management

Now you can save any script fragments as favorite script. You can use the "add favorite" button on the right top of the editor or through Command Palette to open the dialog to add or edit your favorite. 

Snippets Management

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Announcing MongoBooster 1.5

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 1.5. This release includes MongoDB Enterprise connection options(Kerberos, LDAP) and a few minor updates.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Windows, all these new features are available for Mac OS X and Linux as well.

MongoDB Enterprise Authentication

MongoBooster now officially fully supports MongoDB Enterprise Edition by adding two new authentication mechanisms Kerberos(GSSAPI) & LDAP(PLAIN), in addition to already supported regular username/password(SCRAM-SHA-1(added in MongoDB 3.0)/MONGODB-CR) & X.509.


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Announcing MongoBooster 1.3

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 1.3. This release significantly improved the UI performance for the MongoDB aggregation operation.This release also includes UI for Mongoexport and Mongoimport utilities, non-cursor data client-side paging and several minor updates.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Windows, all these new features are available for Mac OS X and Linux as well.

Aggregation UI performance improved

In the older version of MongoBooster, if I you exec a MongoDB aggregation which will get large number of result, the GUI will just hang or freeze for a while. The 1.3 release addressed the annoying issue, it speeds up the aggregation operation significantly. We strongly recommend you upgrading to version 1.3 to improve the aggregation performance if you ever experienced this.

Mongoexport and Mongoimport GUI



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Announcing MongoBooster 1.2

Today, we're happy to announce the release of MongoBooster 1.2. This release adds show history of previous scripts, UI for MongoDump and MongoRestore, show the total number of rows, new Hack font and several minor updates. This release also addresses a few issues around stability, performance and compatibility.

Although we are showing screenshots of MongoBooster for Windows, all this new features are available for Mac OS X and Linux as well.

Show history of previous scripts

Press [F7] to pop up history scripts list. Use the up and down key's to scroll through previously typed scripts. Press [Enter] to send it to the code editor shell.


Show the total number of rows

By default, MongoBooster will show the total number of rows in result view if the query time is less then 300 ms. You can disable the feature or adjust the setting in "Options -> Auto fetch cursor count".


MongoDump GUI tool


MongoRestore GUI tool


New Hack font

MongoBooster adapts a new typeface designed for source code - Hack. Hack is hand groomed and optically balanced to be your go-to code face.

hack font

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Tip: Mouse Hover and F1

The mouse hover will show many useful information, such as types of symbols, function definition, type information and document. 

Press F1 will lead you to MongoDB online document as the cursor is over a valid MongoDB method.  The F1 online help is MongoDB version sensitive, e.g. if you connected to MongoDB 2.6, it will lead you to MongoDB 2.6 online document,  you will get MongoDB 3.2 online document if you connected to MongoDB 3.2. 

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