Today we're happy to bring you NoSQLBooster 4.7. We've got a few new items that we’re proud to highlight! Optimizes connection management, making the new shell open more smoother, enhanced Object Explorer (Users and Roles node, Collection Schema and validator), watch Collection/Database/Deployment data changes, new SQL Functions(type conversion, string operations,date operations) and MongoDB ObjectId ↔ Timestamp Converter ...
Let’s dive in and get an overview of what’s coming in NoSQLBooster 4.7!
Hotfix in 4.7.5
- Fixed, DBRef is missing $ref, $id, $db attributes #ref
- Fixed, Cannot use Object.bsonsize bug #ref
- Fixed, in the case of mixed Chinese and English input, the font is not displayed correctly bug
- Fixed, a Minor Python Query Code Generator bug
- Fixed, method stackoverflow bug
- Fixed, "NumberLong","NumberDecimal" method typing definition issue
- Fixed, View/Download files in GridFS collection, fails on Windows when file name contains braces / colon issue #ref
- Changed, set the default export batchsize value to 1000
Hotfix in 4.7.3 and 4.7.4
- Added, Add %%database%% variable to default collection window template #ref
- Fixed, NumberLong conversion fails for negative numbers #ref
- Fixed, regression "search using uuid helpers" bug #ref
- Fixed, regression "table view header breaks the columns of the table when column name contains commas" bug. #ref
Hotfix in 4.7.2
The release 4.7.2 is a minor update, it is mainly to speed up the opening of the Script editor, modify default code template for opening collection.
- Improved, speed up the opening of the Script editor
- Changed, append running script indicator to output panel
- Added, option: "AutoExecute Script When Collection Node is Double-Clicked", toggle this option to enable/disable auto-execute script when collection/view node is double-clicked.
- Fixed, connect mongodb+srv URI using SSH tunnel #ref
- Fixed, UUID function without arguments returns an error #ref
- Fixed, table view header breaks the columns of the table when column name contains commas. #ref
Hotfix in 4.7.1
- Fixed, Cut/Copy/Paste in editor context menu doesn't work with MacOS. #ref
- Fixed, the ability to increase the paging size does not work correctly.
Optimizes Connection Management
In previous versions, each tab has an embedded MongoDB shell, and each embedded Shell will acquire an exclusive MongoDB client connection, the main purpose of this is to simplify programming and debugging, but the simple one-tab-one-connection model wastes connection resources and slows the opening of new tab. In the new version, we use an all-application shared connection pool, the multiple-tabs-one-connection mechanism can greatly improve the efficiency of "open tab", makes the application's UI response smoother. Please download to give it a shot now.
Enhanced Object Explorer
NoSQLBooster 4.7 greatly enhanced Object Explorer, new global user and role nodes, new collection schema and validator nodes, database node's storage size ...
Database object explorer

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